Membership Fees
The Emigrants 1926 by David Shanks Ewart © McLean Museum and Art Gallery, Greenock
The Emigrants 1926 by David Shanks Ewart © McLean Museum and Art Gallery, Greenock
Choose your preferred method of payment to join Inverclyde Heritage Network and to get access to the Members’ Area of this website.
Online payments should give you instant access to the Members’ Area.
For other methods of payment, once processed, your Members’ Area login information will be sent to your email address once payment is received.
Should you have any problems, email info@inverclydeheritage.network
Online payment
Regular membership: click the ‘Online’ button below to pay with credit card or PayPal.
Concession membership: click the ‘Online’ button below then use the code @24-25 before paying with credit card or PayPal.
Group membership: - currently not available. Please use a different option.
Click the link to register and for pay-in information.
Once your payment has been processed, Members’ Area login information will be emailed to you.
For in-person payments made at monthly meetings or training sessions, click the link to register your details or fill in a form when making your payment.
Once details are processed, Members’ Area login information will be emailed to you.